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Wohlfühlhotel Venetblick im Pitztal / Tirol

In den Bergen. Ein Lieblingsort.

Urlaub im Tiroler Pitztal ist erholsame Auszeit inmitten kraftvoller Bergwelt. Direkt von der Bezirkshauptstadt Imst windet sich das Tal zwischen Kaunergrat und Geigenkamm bis tief hinein in die Furchen der Ötztaler Alpen.

Es geht durch kleine Dörfer und Weiler - Arzl, Wenns, Wiesle, Zaunhof, St. Leonhard ... mit Kirche, Gasthaus und traditionsreichen Bauernhäusern. 40 Kilometer, bis hin zu Österreichs höchstem Gletscher, dann ist Schluss. Ein gutes Stück davor aber, etwa 15 Kilometer vom Taleingang entfernt, führt eine kleine Seitenstraße hinauf auf den Berg. Vorbei an Jerzens bis hin zum Fuße des Hochzeigers. Und hier, wo alle Straßen enden, am sonnigsten Plateau des ganzen Tales, steht das Hotel Venetblick. Direkt bei den Bergbahnen, direkt an den Pisten. Mit 38 Zimmern, Suiten und Apartments. Mit Hallenbad und allem, was man sich für den Urlaub in den Bergen wünscht. Grüß Gott am Berg. Bis bald in Jerzens!

Hotel entdecken

  • Hotel-Facts
  • Feel-good board
  • Rooms & suites

A quick overview of Hotel Venetblick

The box seat. A feel-good spa hotel.

That little bit closer to the sun, moon and sky; clouds rolling by, bringing the snow every winter, which encases everything in powder and cloaks the mountain scenery in silence. 1,450 metres above sea level, 150 metres away from the Hochzeiger mountain railways. Enter the skiing and hiking paradise directly in front of the hotel. Excellent cuisine, convivial bar, sun terrace.

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Restaurant beim Hochzeiger Tirol

Feel-good board

Lots of comfort. All-inclusive.

At Hotel Venetblick, you can expect a special blend of mountain hotel, contemporary atmosphere and unostentatious yet attentive service. Nothing is pretentious and deliberately elegant but rather harmoniously orchestrated and modernised with care. Our all-inclusive ‘Wohlfühlpension’ is included in all prices and packages, offering a wide variety of amenities for relaxing, sport and entertainment in addition to enjoyable culinary delights.

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Hotelzimmer in Tirol

Rooms to dream the night away. Views to enjoy.

Mountains. Within reach.

Beautiful views. Green paradise. Endless mountain scenery. All rooms at the Hotel Venetblick are new. We have deliberately designed them to be functional as a contemporary interpretation of alpine living. With classic furniture elements, wide beds, natural colour tones, comfortable leather sofas and beautiful wooden floors. With a special charm and plenty of peace and quiet. And everything you need to be happy. There are 38 rooms, suites and apartments available. For singles, couples and families.

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Hotel mit Hallenbad Tirol

Spa facilities

Pool and sauna. With garden access.

Somewhere on your way through Pitztal stress has fallen by the wayside and everyday life has been completely forgotten after just a short time in the mountains. At Hotel Venetblick, you will find a range of elegant spa facilities, such as our indoor pool, sauna, steam bath and massage room, which are perfect for switching off and becoming revitalised. The indoor pool leads directly to the small, intimate garden, which is lovely for enjoying the mountain sun from outdoors.

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Hotel mit Hallenbad Tirol

Directly at the hotel

Hochzeiger mountain railways

Hotel Venetblick in Jerzens, Pitztal is in close proximity to the Hochzeiger mountain railways’ valley station. This means cable car fun and winter sport enjoyment are virtually on the doorstep.

Sport Lentsch

Online Skiverleih bis zu -20%

Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre Skiausrüstung bei Sport Lentsch in Jerzens online und sparen Sie bares Geld! Bis zu 20% sparen bei Buchung über Hotel Venetblick - Kinder bis 10 Jahre mieten gratis!
Hotel Venetblick: Lodgings with a view.
Hotel Venetblick: Lodgings with a view.
With a special charm and plenty of peace and quiet.
With a special charm and plenty of peace and quiet.
All rooms at the Hotel Venetblick are new.
All rooms at the Hotel Venetblick are new.

Outdoor fun in the Tyrolean mountains

Summer activities in Pitztal and the surrounding area

Sommerurlaub Tirol

Holiday paradise
Pitztal in summer


Winterurlaub Tirol

Holiday paradise
Pitztal in winter
